Project Sevankur
At our organization, we recognize the challenges faced by children from migrant families who must leave their schools temporarily during the sugarcane cutting season. To ensure continuity in their education, we have been running a dedicated initiative since our inception.
As part of this initiative, we provide structured learning opportunities for these children during their temporary relocation. This includes engaging educational activities designed to keep them on track with their studies, fostering a conducive learning environment even amidst change.
Additionally, we believe in holistic development. This year, we organized an enriching trip for all 60 children to Kolhapur City. The trip aimed to broaden their horizons by exposing them to the historical and cultural aspects of urban life—a recreational experience they would not typically have access to.
Through these efforts, we are committed to supporting the educational and personal growth of these young learners, ensuring they have the tools and experiences to thrive both academically and socially.

We set up 2 centers in and around the community residence at Hamlets of Abdul Lat and Shiradwad village. The target group is 30 children from each community with age 8 to 14 yrs.
We taught them basic language and mathematics concepts during the period. Some activity based life skills sessions were also conducted.

Fun and Joy trip at Kolhapur City : Sevankur School Batch 4
ऊसतोड मजुरांच्या मुलांची शाळा चालवण्यासाठी सर्वेक्षण करत असताना या घरांची दिवाळी अशा प्रकारे साजरी व्हावी, हा विचार सर्वेक्षण टीमच्या मनात आला आणि समाज माध्यमातून आवाहन करत या उपक्रमासाठी आवश्यक आर्थिक व वस्तू रूपाचे पाठबळ मिळाले.
समाजातील ही आर्थिक विषमता कमी करण्यामध्ये आमचा अल्प हातभार लागला आणि ही दिवाळी खऱ्या अर्थाने गोड झाली.
ऊसतोड मजुरांना दिवाळी फराळ ,गरजोपयोगी साहित्याचे वाटप सौजन्य: C मराठी न्यूज , नोव्हेंबर २०२०
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