Vidyoday Muktangan Parivar Foundation

Who is Vidyoday?

 We are a catalyst organization started to transform learning pattern of students from rural schools. We do various experiments with teaching techniques in science education and life skill development  


We Envision

We envision a society where the youth are equipped with the necessary skills to address societal needs and problems through innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Our Actions

We conduct science based experiment cum toys making workshops, conducts workshops for teachers to introduce PBL system in the learning of a child.


VMPF is a systems change & research organization that helps innovate the scientific temper, life skills and intellectual development of Students through activity based learning modules.

We Envision

A Society creating social leaders from the education system.

We Believe

At VMPF that children can learn better by providing real life experiences of things rather than directly jumping to the books.
We believe that the curriculum should shape through activities that children do which are more meaningful and relevant to them.

‘Learning by Doing’ which is one of the most popular approaches in education is also the core of VMPF’s Philosophy. With an aim to build the diverse aspects of the personality of children that includes knowledge, skills, values and attitudes, we believe in providing diverse learning experiences to children.

Our job is to make learning simple and relevant, so that we could reach to our goal of reforming society through innovations in current education system.

Join Our Community

There will be a day–in our lifetime–when every Student will act with scientific temper,
perform the action with Universal Human Values. 

We want to celebrate that day with you.

Our Current Projects

Chhote Kalam Science Project

Bringing innovative learning practices to classroom to foster science and foundational education.

Project Vidyankur

Strengthening primary education by making students’ Foundation Literacy and Numerical Skills strong .

Science Shikshan Samvad

Sustainable model through Fellows and Teachers’ capacity building.

What We Do

We do various experiments with teaching techniques in science education and life skill development. 


How We Do

We work with Students, Government Schools and Teachers to create sustainable Educational System.

Our Supporters