Vidyoday Muktangan Parivar Foundation

covid-19 relief work

We are taking care of our communities in these difficult times

When we were unaware, leading normal life, we had little idea about the pandemic standing outside our doors. COVID-19 changed the way we live, we think, we work and the way we transport in current situations.


In India, the vulnerable community comprises 40 million migrant cultivation workers, daily wage workers, small land hold farmers and small shopkeepers from thousands of hamlets.

Currently 50,000-60,000 persons from the community are stuck far away from home, with less in their hands to survive or go  back to their localities. The situation may extend for a few weeks in future and will leave a major scar on the lives of family heads along with their thousands of family members.

Migrant Workers in distress

The district where we work, known as The Sugar Belt, attracted thousands of sugarcane cutting workers, who are now stuck in the midst of nowhere. Families from States like Karnataka, Andhra and some central Maharashtra districts like Beed, Yavatmal, come here as labour every year, for a season of 5 months. Sugarcane factories are closed for more than 2 months (since 29 March,2020) which leaves them with little or no cash in their hands. Contractual system of paying in advance puts them in a trap where they can’t go back to home or stay here. You can read more about it in the attached story. (The debt trap story)

Our Immediate Relief Work during Crisis

As this chain of complex problems come around, Vidyoday is working with the universal values of compassion to support the families with all necessary help. We are taking into consideration all the basic requirements of our students and their families By distributing ration kits which contain oil, sugar, salt, spices, ground flour. We initiated ration kit supply to 200 families that are affected by the lock-down. Under the initiative, we are covering 40 families from 5 villages namely AbdullatLatwadiShiradwadShivnakwadi and Herwad. (Click on village name to know affected area.)

We did need assessment in areas and found small business holders at village Kabnur. They visited the place for the village carnival and stuck during lock-down. Vidyoday managed to help 15 families of Camel herders, amusement play runners residing temporarily at schools.

We found needy sects like families of our students (from Dnyandeep Project), widows, old age couples from villages. We prepared and distributed the ration kit for next 3 weeks to 80 families.

After positive response to our covid response, we are planning to
During the distribution, we found families stressed about the dark future ahead. Our fellows are reaching out to them for emotional support and other necessary help.

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